Use "monogamy|monogamies" in a sentence

1. We have serial monogamy.

2. The key words are abstinence and monogamy.”

3. People still opt for monogamy and marriage.

4. 4 Monogamy is universal but adultery frequent.

5. 6 And be certain of your monogamy.

6. Monogamy is universal but adultery frequent.

7. Leaders are mostly shaman, line monogamy.

8. 23 Leaders are mostly shaman,[] line monogamy.

9. 1 People still opt for monogamy and marriage.

10. 22 Monogamy guarantees that every man can find a wife.

11. In many non-Western societies, however, monogamy has never dominated.

12. 8 Not that socially imposed monogamy need extend to captive slaves.

13. The fact is that monogamy had nothing to do with love.

14. 12 In monogamy, a single male pairs with a single female.

15. 27 If I tested negative, f would speak with Jasper about monogamy.

16. 5 But under a regime of monogamy there are limits.

17. Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same.

18. 28 Even so, marriage is hardly a foolproof enforcer of monogamy.

19. 10 The next commonest is monogamy - one male paired with one female.

20. 24 Can prostitution disappear without dragging monogamy with it into the abyss?

21. 7 It has not done so, however, by imposing monogamy on them.

22. I personally think that monogamy can work given the right circumstance.

23. 20 Even so, marriage is hardly a foolproof enforcer of monogamy.

24. 3 In many non-Western societies, however, monogamy has never dominated.

25. Some females are firm in monogamy, but many more go in for manifold males.

26. 30 Such would tend to be the case where people practice serial monogamy.

27. 18 Society pays noisy lip service to monogamy but, in reality, encourages affairs.

28. 15 Monogamy and sexual morality are extremely important to conservatives in the age of AIDS.

29. 13 Some females are firm in monogamy, but many more go in for manifold males.

30. 2 Monogamy is rare in most animal groups, but is common among birds.

31. 23 Some females are firm in monogamy, but many more go in for manifold males.

32. 14 It seems unlikely that monogamy is a natural state for the human animal.

33. Institutions such as polygamy are seen by Engels as mere variants on the institution of monogamy.

34. Gibbons essentially use this system, although "monogamy" in this context does not necessarily mean absolute sexual fidelity.

35. First of all, the conversation about monogamy is not the same as the conversation about infidelity.

36. What's interesting to me is that all of this happens in a culture that values lifelong monogamy.

37. 25 Institutions such as polygamy are seen by Engels as mere variants on the institution of monogamy.

38. The standard set in that Edenic marriage was monogamy, “the two” being joined together in a lasting union.

39. 21 Lufkin never demanded monogamy from her and she had no idea whether he slept with other women.

40. 17 As we have seen serial monogamy could put the claims of unquestionably legitimate princes at risk.

41. 16 Family, monogamy, romance. Everywhere exclusiveness, a narrow channelling of impulse and energy. Aldous Huxley 

42. 9 Serial multipartnerism, which can also be called serial monogamy, means having partners one at a time.

43. Cuckolding is essentially a form of consensual non-monogamy, where one partner watches their lover having sex with another person

44. 20 Nevertheless the serial monogamy of kings is likely to have had its implications for the rivalries between their heirs.

45. Bigamy laws date back to the Roman Empire when Diocletian and Maximilian passed laws that mandated monogamy for legal marriages.

46. But those who dismiss monogamy as a strategy fail to consider the long-term consequences of maintaining a culture of promiscuity.

47. 19 It is a legacy of his past monogamy: Choose well, for it may be the only chance you will get.

48. 29 As we shall see, the lesson they teach is that we are designed for a system of monogamy plagued by adultery.

49. 11 But those who dismiss monogamy as a strategy fail to consider the long-term consequences of maintaining a culture of promiscuity.

50. 26 Promiscuity is like never reading past the first page. Monogamy is like reading the same book over and over. Mason Cooley 

51. Translations in context of "Chasteness" in English-French from Reverso Context: In spiritual life Chasteness until marriage and lifelong monogamy are the ideals.

52. Recent Examples on the Web Indeed, the most Bracing thing about the album is Cyrus’s steadfast rejection of commitment, monogamy, or even romantic love as be-alls and end-alls.

53. Apprises us that monogamy found its way into French/German Jewry by slow degrees, and not as the result of a single legislative act [of Rabbenu Gershom].” Divorce: The Halakhic Perspective

54. Atatürk imposed a dizzying array of changes , including European laws , the Latin alphabet , the Gregorian calendar , personal last names , hats instead of fezzes , monogamy , Sunday as the day of rest , a ban on dervishes , the legal right to drink alcohol , and Turkish as a liturgical language .